Friday, May 8, 2009

Roof Maintenance: Restore Don't Repair

Various roof maintenance options can have radically different outcomes. Typical options include:
  1. Do nothing. No action or expense is required. Outcome: deck (metal, wood, etc) corrodes and an expensive re-roof is necessary.
  2. Repair roof with patches. A roofing contractor is called and goes up on the roof with a bucket of tar, or the equivalent. Outcome: leak is initially stopped, but now water accumulates in a new area so every year more patching is necessary, deck eventually corrodes and an expensive re-roof is again required.
  3. Restore. The old roofing material is renewed. Re-coating a metal roof is analogous to putting new roof tiles or shingles on a conventional roof. Outcome: leaks are stopped, deck is protected for the life of the coating, tile, or shingle.
The interested reader is referred to systems such as Iron Sentry for restoring of metal, built up, or single ply roofs MCA for clay roof tiles, and Elk for shingles.


  1. Really interesting Will — thank you for this info In my view putting a metal roof on your home can be a wonderful way for you and your family to start changing your home.moreover Metal roofing is advantageous over many other conventional forms of roofing, especially by way of being durable, with extended longevity. Gulf Coast Supply is a metal roofing manufacturer and supplies wholesale metal roofing and residential metal roofing materials.

  2. agreed restoring is the best way in roofing philadelphia to keep your roof safe
